In my study of success, I've found that if you chase "success" it will always find a way to elude you. But if you choose to focus on your passion and deliberately work on developing yourself, then success will find a way to chase YOU. I absolutely agree with Jim Rohn when he said: "Success is not something to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become." So, who do you need to become to attract success into your life? No matter where you are in life right now, if it is … [Read more...]
6 Questions to Use the Power of Influence to Your Advantage
It’s no secret that the people you surround yourself with will dramatically influence your successes (or failures) in life. If you hang out with people who are drifting along without purpose, then you’re probably sitting in the same boat. If the people you surround yourself with neglect their finances, fitness, spirituality, and passions, then odds are that you’re doing the same. Fortunately, there is a way to give yourself immediate clarity on the exterior influences that surround … [Read more...]
Connect with Those Who Share Your Dreams & Passions
It's crazy to think how fast your life can change once you begin to surround yourself with the right people. After reviewing my goals, the very first question one of my mentors asked me was: "Who's in your circle?" Jim Rohn says it so well: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Who you spend time with will have a definite impact on all areas of your life. Whether that impact is negative or positive, depends entirely on who you decide to connect … [Read more...]
[Image] Our Lives Are Mostly Affected By…
Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are … [Read more...]
[Image] Formal Education Will Make You a Living. Self-Education Will…
Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn Design your own personal life. Find a way to learn every day. Make what you do the product of your own conclusion. … [Read more...]