Go out of your way to connect and interact with people on a similar journey as you. The ones who you’re comfortable being yourself around. Seek out others who will understand your crazy ways and admire how you think differently. They will be the ones to support you when you’re down and celebrate with you when you’re up. Being connected with others who share similar dreams and passions will make all the difference in your journey of creating life of deep meaning. … [Read more...]
7 Common Relationship Mistakes to Avoid
Having someone to love is having someone to share your success and accomplishments with. It also means having someone to support you when you fall from time to time. Take care of your loving relationships as one of your greatest possessions by avoiding these 7 common mistakes: Forgetting you’re on the same team. Do not keep score as if you two were competing against each other. Every relationship will face its own unique challenges and as arguments arise, avoid attacking your significant … [Read more...]
[Image] Connect with Kindred Spirits…
Connect with kindred spirits who share your passions and dreams. What kind of relationships are you developing? Who do you allow to be in your ear? Are they an asset to you? Or are they a liability? Do they elevate your spirits? Or do they tear you down? Be deliberate and conscious with the people you allow into your circle of influence. … [Read more...]
[Image] Connecting with People Who Share Your Passions…
Connecting with people who share the same passions affirms that you’re not alone; that there are others like you and that while many might not understand your passion, some do. ~ Ken Robinson … [Read more...]
[Article] Are You With the Right Partner?
I'm not sure who the author of the following is, but I had to share it with you... During a seminar, a woman asked, "How do I know if I am with the right person?" … [Read more...]