I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience & I decide upon the goal I would achieve. & everything that seems to happen to me I ask for & receive as I have asked. #ACIM … [Read more...]
You Are Today… [Image]
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. ~ James Allen take you. ~ James Allen … [Read more...]
Turn Adversity into Ambition [Image]
Believe in yourself turn adversity into ambition now blossom into wealth { 2pac } … [Read more...]
Nothing Can Bring You Peace But… [Image]
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself [Ralph Waldo Emerson] … [Read more...]
It is Not Enough to Be Busy… [Image]
It is not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about? [Henry David Thoreau] … [Read more...]