Go out of your way to connect and interact with people on a similar journey as you. The ones who you’re comfortable being yourself around. Seek out others who will understand your crazy ways and admire how you think differently. They will be the ones to support you when you’re down and celebrate with you when you’re up. Being connected with others who share similar dreams and passions will make all the difference in your journey of creating life of deep meaning. … [Read more...]
I Live My Life In Widening Circles
I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. ― Rainer Maria Rilke I am deeply grateful for all the people I've been connecting with from all over the world. As a digital entrepreneur I am learning that business is all about relationships. My mentor constantly reminds me that relationships are the name of the game and that the world revolves around relationships. This post goes out to all that have taken the time to interact and reach out to me. I'm dedicated to … [Read more...]
Connect with Those Who Share Your Dreams & Passions
It's crazy to think how fast your life can change once you begin to surround yourself with the right people. After reviewing my goals, the very first question one of my mentors asked me was: "Who's in your circle?" Jim Rohn says it so well: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Who you spend time with will have a definite impact on all areas of your life. Whether that impact is negative or positive, depends entirely on who you decide to connect … [Read more...]