Do other people call you crazy for working so hard on your dreams? Maybe they tell you to be more "realistic" or to "just relax" It's normal to experience this resistance from others when we begin to work on becoming something greater. It can literally make others close to us feel uncomfortable to see us expanding outside of our comfort zones. They may try to pull us back not with the intention to hurt us, but because conforming or settling feels safer and takes no extra effort. Yes, it's … [Read more...]
Things May Come to Those Who Wait, But Only the Things Left By Those Who Hustle
Stop waiting for the perfect timing or circumstances to be just right. Go out there and make it happen. Do it now. On your journey of creating a life of extraordinary meaning, you will need to take some step each day that brings you closer to the realization of your definite purpose. Do not fool yourself by thinking that your definite purpose will materialize if you only wait. Realization of your definite purpose will only happen by carefully laying out the plans and putting those plans … [Read more...]
Your Habits Lead to Your Destiny
We are all creatures of habit. What are your habits doing to you? How do you start your day each morning? How about your habits in eating, spending, and your relationships? Know this: your smallest habits repeated every day will have a huge impact on your future. Our habits predict our future because they directly influence our results. If you’d like to change any area of your life, then you’ll have to assess and address the habits you currently possess. To experience lasting results, get … [Read more...]
Why Hustle?
For fun and freedom; The feeling of fulfillment; For breathing and achievement. Peace of mind; To be in control of my own time. To decide my own who/what/when/where/why, and how’s; For the power of now. Conquering fears; Expanding out of comfort zones. To build my own kingdom; Seated at my own throne. To prove the struggle is worth it; For passion plus purpose. To expand in abundance, success, and love. For everyone I hold dear and all of the above. … [Read more...]
I Will Prepare & Someday My Chance Will Come
Today's post inspired by the birthday boy himself, Mr. Lincoln. ? Think/plan/study & take action to make your wildest dreams happen. You may never know when opportunity will come knocking at your door, but you can ready yourself to welcome opportunity w/ open arms even when she arrives unexpected! ? … [Read more...]