What is it that you want? Is it more money? Simply wanting more money is not enough. You need to have a specific amount of money in mind, with a specified date for its achievement, as well as what you’ll be giving in return for the money. Create a crystal clear picture with all its delightful details, which will fuel your burning desire. The more you contemplate your vision, the stronger your desire will be, and the more you will be moved to bring your vision into tangible … [Read more...]
Where is Your Current Momentum Taking You?
As we enter the 2nd quarter of 2016, be sure to reflect upon your actions and accomplishments so far. The key is to be aware of what's working and what's not working for you. You are the leader and CEO of your own life, so make sure your momentum is moving you in the right direction. In the end, you will be 100% responsible for your own results. This goes out to all of you committed to living with purpose and passion. Let's make it happen. … [Read more...]
Give Yourself Permission
What do you desire? How would you really enjoy living your life? Break away from the realistic expectations that others try to place upon you. Exercise your imagination and reconnect with those visions that stir up excitement; those visions that make you smile just thinking about them. Your meaningful visions exist within you for a reason, and it is your responsibility to translate them into reality. After years of being told what to do and how to act, it may take some time to reignite the … [Read more...]
[Image] The Road to Wealth Is…
The road to wealth is paved with goals … [Read more...]
[Image] Rise & Make Your Dreams Happen
Rise & Make Your Dreams Happen What ONE thing can you do today that will bring you closer to your dreams? … [Read more...]
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