The Challenge
To write at least 1 hour each day for 21 consecutive days.
Is there a story inside of you that you should be sharing with the world? Do you have an idea for a script, a book, a song, a poem, a seminar, an essay, or anything else which only YOU can bring to existence?
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
~ Maya Angelou
As I am purposefully designing the habits I believe are key to my own success and achievement of goals, I cannot ignore this undeniable urge to create. I want to write, speak, produce and contribute meaningful material that has the potential to positively impact and uplift others.
At the same time, I have become aware of this potentially disabling force called, Resistance. It’s the enemy who’s sole motive is to distract us from doing what we are meant to do.
Resistance doesn’t want me to write. As soon as I sit down to create, Resistance would rather have me getting up to do anything other than writing: the dishes, vacuuming, checking email, laundry, sleeping, etc. This negative force is present in everyone’s lives and I’ll definitely go into further detail on how to overcome resistance with future posts.
My objective for the next 21 days is to get into the habit of writing. I’m not solely focused on perfecting my writing or the quality of content, but simply unloading quantities of ideas from my head (aka “brain vomiting”). I want ideas to flow as I develop the ability to transfer them to paper or laptop. I can easily refine, correct, and edit later.
Someone once told me that we all have a best selling book inside of us. If you just wrote a page per day, in a year you’ll have a 365 page book!
How can writing for at least an hour a day positively impact your life?
The Reward
After successfully installing this habit of writing, I will allow myself to finally purchase a Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500M, so that I may move forward with getting rid of unnecessary paper and clutter (another good habit for me to work on).
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[…] 21 Day Challenge: Write an Hour a Day (Day 1) […]