The Challenge:
To wake up at 5AM without snoozing for 21 consecutive days.
Hello my name is Jeff, and I am addicted to snoozing…and I intend to dissolve this bad habit!
What time do you normally rise from your slumber? Do you wake up with an alarm? If so, are you a habitual snoozer?
Please don’t sleep your life away. Know this: when you hit that snooze button, your first act of the day is procrastinating.
Today, August 20th, I have started a 21 Day Challenge to install a valuable success habit: to wake up with 1 alarm at 5AM each morning feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, wide awake and full of energy (including weekends).
Many of the successful people I study and have met, share a similar characteristic: they work while others are sleeping.
I understand that not everyone is naturally an early riser, but you can consciously (and subconsciously) make it a habit! One of my mentors talks about how before he realized the value of waking up early, he used to jokingly say “If God wanted us to see the sun rise, we would have made it happen later in the day.” He was able to overcome sleeping in, and has produced a staggering body of work within his lifetime.
I like how Tupac puts it: “The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams.” No matter how you look at it, you must take action to turn nothing into something.
“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.”
I’ve realized that unless you take action now and change your daily routine, you’ll find yourself stagnant in the same place. As I am currently working a full time job, waking up early on a consistent basis will allow me to start my day right each morning!
Once this habit is installed, I will be able to engage in a number of activities:
- Writing (articles, music, poetry, etc)
- Meditation
- Clarify my passions and purpose
- Reading
- Outsmarting Resistance!
- Working Out
- Financial Planning
- Walking Rocket
- Preparing myself to wake up at 4am 🙂
How can waking up early benefit your life? What are you putting off that can be done before the sun rises?
Truthfully, I’ve been feeding this bad habit of snoozing for years, so this challenge certainly seems huge as I begin my first day.
I’ll be sure to share lessons and tips I learn from this 21 day challenge!
The Reward
As we successfully complete challenges and reach goals, it’s important to reward our good behaviors. When I successfully wake up at 5AM for 21 days, I will allow myself to reward myself with something of $150 value (to be determined). The real reward will be all the new experiences and creations that result from getting things done before the sun rises!
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